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Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) in Clinical Practise DVD, Card Deck, & Book Bundle


Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) in Clinical Practise DVD, Card Deck, & Book Bundle

Only $444.95! (GST Inc.)

Valued at $777.85

DVD - Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT): Intensive Certificate Course

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) has evolved from the go-to treatment for a borderline personality disorder to one of the most recognized and sought after therapies for a variety of difficult to treat client problems. The increasing pressure to adopt treatments that work makes DBT skills and strategies a must-have for all types of therapists.

For those who feel that pressure but fear becoming a “manual manic”, relax. Dr. Lane Pederson teaches how to follow the manual yet make thoughtful customizations consistent with evidence-based practises and always grounded in the therapeutic alliance. Covering DBT from theory to clinical application, including the use of diary cards, behavioural analysis, contingency management, and multi-layered validation, this certificate course welcomes those implementing DBT in standard and adapted ways as well as those wishing to simply add DBT skills and techniques to their eclectic or integrative style.

If you have felt limited or stuck with your therapy skills or ready to give up on certain clients, this certificate course will breathe new life into your work. You will leave ready to use the essentials of DBT listed above as well as skills from the Mindfulness, Distress Tolerance, Emotion Regulation, and Interpersonal Effectiveness Modules with your clients, enjoying new confidence in and effectiveness with your clinical skill set.

Lane Pederson Psy.D, LP, is not affiliated or associated with Marsha M. Linehan, PhD, ABPP, or her organizations.

Card Deck - The DBT Deck for Clients and Therapists: 101 Mindful Practices to Manage Distress, Regulate Emotions & Build Better Relationships

Filled with tips, ideas, calls to action, and brief exercises, these cards will be a daily go-to as you learn skills needed to enjoy the ups - and navigate the downs - of real-world life. And best yet, because skills take repeated practise, you cannot outgrow this deck, you can only grow with it!

  • Coping strategies
  • Tools to accept change
  • Self-Soothing practises
  • Increase self-respect
  • Conflict resolution tips

Book - The Expanded Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Training Manual, 2nd Edition: DBT for Self-Help and Individual & Group Treatment Settings

Congratulations to Lane Pederson, and his book, The Expanded Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Training Manual, 2nd Edition: DBT for Self-Help and Individual & Group Treatment Settings, for winning a silver medal at the 2018 IBPA Benjamin Franklin Awards for editorial and design excellence in both Psychology and Self-Help categories.


This second edition is the most comprehensive and readable DBT manual available with more skills than any other DBT book on the market. 

Beyond updates to the classic skills modules, clients and therapists will be enriched by added modules that include Dialectics, Cognitive Modification, Problem-Solving, and Building Routines as well as all-new, much-needed modules on addictions and social media. 

Designed for DBT therapists, eclectic and integrative therapists, and as a self-help guide for people interested in learning DBT skills, the straightforward explanations and useful worksheets contained within make DBT skills learning and practise accessible and practical for both skills groups and individual users.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT): Intensive Certificate Course
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Lane Pederson
Regular Price : 699.95
Discounted Price : 400.39

The DBT Deck for Clients and Therapists: 101 Mindful Practices to Manage Distress, Regulate Emotions & Build Better Relationships
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101 Mindful Practices to Manage Distress, Regulate Emotions & Build Better Relationships
Lane Pederson
Regular Price : 29.95
Discounted Price : 15.99

The Expanded Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Training Manual, 2nd Edition: DBT for Self-Help and Individual & Group Treatment Settings
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DBT for Self-Help and Individual & Group Treatment Settings
Lane Pederson  |  Cortney Pederson
Regular Price : 45.95
Discounted Price : 28.57

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